Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pictures from Kumasi (backwards)

I thought this was an amusing sign advocating the use of condoms outside of the bus station.

Jenny, this is a picture of me with a lion just for you, until I can maybe get a real live big cat. :P

Morgan, me, Fent, and Maiken outside the Palace.

Me, Fent, Maiken, Morgan, and Cathleen outside of Fent's room.

A very partial view of the huge Market - it was so expansive.

At a loom at the Kente place. In the background, you can see all of the beautiful fabrics.

Maiken and I extremely happy to be at Fent's place.

Morgan and Cathleen with some cheesey smiles. :)

And here is my address (and PLEASE no big packages!!! It is a DISASTER trying to get them! Morgan and I had a most terrible experience trying to get hers. We had to go back 3 separate times and it took 2 hours and a whole bunch of taxes for her to be able to get hers. But letters are more than welcome.) :

Olivia Straub
c/o Kwasi Gyasi-Gyamerah
CIEE Study Center
PMB 31 School Research and Graduate Studies Building
University of Ghana
Legon, Ghana


  1. Oh hey nice shirt you got there :).

  2. Thanks for the pictureeee! you better get a pic of a real one for me this weekend! !i misssss you!
